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Classic Car Insurance
in Orillia, ON.

Relax and enjoy your hobby.

Classic cars are your passion.

Make sure you have the right insurance to protect what you love.

Don’t make the mistake of protecting your classic car with standard auto insurance coverage.
Unlike regular auto insurance, classic car insurance is tailored to your vehicle which means you won’t pay for extras that you don’t use. This results in better protection for you.

There are a few rules.

CONNect with one of our insurance experts today.

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On Classic Car Insurance, insurance companies provide agreed value coverage, meaning that you agree on the value when the insurance is set up and if a covered total loss happens, you’ll receive the value you agreed to with us. There is no depreciation.
Yes, most insurance companies require a recent appraisal of your classic car to fix the insured value. This is to the benefit of the insurance company and you in the event of a claim. Everyone knows the value of the cassic car and there are no hassles.
Most insurance companies of classic cars don’t have a fixed mileage restriction, which gives you the freedom to enjoy your ride when you want to. But Classic Car insurance is based on the vehicle not being your main daily vehicle and that you strictly use the vehicle for pleasure, not to get you to and from work and/or for business purposes.

Any vehicle older than 35 years is considered to be a classic or collectors car. These are vehicles that are used for limited pleasure driving, club functions, car club meetings and low annual kilometres. Vehicles used for racing, timed events or auto cross my not be eligible.

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